

Call me Matt, or Matthew, either is fine.

Beyond just speaking about titles (which you can find here), my area of enjoyment and comfort is working with databases, analytics software & tools, and architecting solutions for Enterprises within these realms. I’m a creative problem solver, leaning on technologies I know, but eagerly exploring other options, intent on finding the best way to solve a given problem.

I love Python. No, I don’t want to marry it, my wife would likely object. While I have and do currently enjoy exploring other languages (JavaScript/ECMAscript, C#, Rust), Python is my default goto for solving problems, both inside and outside of work.

I’m a user of Windows, macOS, Linux, and FreeBSD. Mostly in that order, but Windows and macOS have flipped spots several times and will likely continue to do so. Linux is my go to server OS when FreeBSD isn’t well suited to the task or I’m following tutorials on new tech that were written against a Linux distro (which is most things these days). Sadly I find I use FreeBSD less and less.

I have no particular Linux distro allegiance. My first real experience with Linux was RHEL thanks to various jobs, and that holds true today. At home I’ve explored several, though my default is usually Ubuntu or Debian depending on the need.

My spare personal time consists of many things. Spending time with my wife and child. Playing games on console and PC, often with my wife and/or child. I enjoy reading, hiking, camping. I have typical home and property ownership duties to pursue. In truth, spare time isn’t spare for long.

I enjoy building stuff for my family and myself. I’ve implemented several complex idea’s that have stuck around (xcp-ng multi-node home lab), and others that have proved to be more complex and therefore worrisome that I’ve since deconstructed (kubernetes cluster). I use these opportunities not only to support learning tech that I will, or might, use at work, but also to enrich myself. Even if it’s something I implement only to play for a few weeks/months and discard, I inevitably learn something from the experience, and those learnings find their way into future work and personal projects. Key for me, with technology hobbies, it’s only worth doing while it’s fun. When it becomes work, I need to pack it away or simplify it.

There is a lot more I could say here, but I’ll save it for my postings.

…this site

It’s a place to share the things that interest me, mostly hobbies and maybe cool/interesting work stuff (nothing proprietary, of course). Postings will be random, both in timing and the topics. I could easily post a series on a specific topic if I find a lot to say, but I expect that will be the exception rather than the rule.

I also intend on exploring IndieWeb things. I might not talk about it so much as just do it, integrating cross posting, syndication, and the like, but it’s something I’ve wanted to dive more seriously into for a long time.

I’m also going to use it to explore WordPress more directly. I’ve been helping family and friends with WordPress sites for years, but primarily on the hosting setup and not so much the usage. In fact, many of those I’ve helped are now very experienced in using WordPress so I’ll likely learn what I can from them.

Finally, I enjoy writing, and want to do more of it. I’m not good at it, not yet anyway, but we learn and grow by doing.